Board of Management

Corporate Governance

  • People

    We believe the people are the most important part; they are the founders, the managers & teams, the consumer and impartial observer. They are the organizers who determine the purpose to work towards, develop a consistent process to achieve it, and use those outcomes to grow themselves and others.
  • Purpose

    Purpose is the next step, where everything undergone in our company exists for a purpose; which guides the principles in our organization.
  • Process

    How the people achieve their company’s purpose is at the heart of quality management, to analyze performance, and keep refining over time to consistently achieve.
  • Performance

    Our ability to continuously look at the results, gather feedback and review our own progress, is a primary function in our governance process. Performance analysis is always key.
  • Trust

    Building an environment of trust, transparency and accountability necessary for fostering long term investment, financial stability & business integrity, thereby supporting stronger growth and more inclusive societies.